1) LIM 暑期課程
課程長度:最少 4 週,週一到週五,上午時尚課程,下午英語課程,晚上可自由參加藝術活動
每週時數:英語課程每週 20 小時,時尚課程每週 5 小時
費用:4 週 時尚課暑期課程+ 半密集英語(每週 20 小時)US$1940
開課日期:暑期4 週
星期一 | 星期二 | 星期三 | 星期四 | 星期五 | |
上午 9:30 -12:30 |
這就是時尚(時尚業的流程:採購、設計、時裝秀) | 時尚之旅(拜訪流行採購專家、廣告公關、時尚展示間) | 視覺展示(以模型模特兒和一些道具實做) | 流行時尚採購(怎麼買,買什麼) | 校外參訪 |
午餐 | 午餐 | 午餐 | 午餐 | 午餐 | |
下午 2:00 – 6:00 |
英文聽、說、讀、寫 | 英文聽、說、讀、寫 | 英文聽、說、讀、寫 | 英文聽、說、讀、寫 | 英文聽、說、讀、寫 |
傍晚 | 爵士之夜 | R&B 之夜 | 寫作研討會(免費) | 攝影展 | 博物館之旅 |
2) LIM 非暑期課程
課程長度:最少 7 週,週一到週五上英語課程(7 週),週六上時尚課程(5 週)
每週時數:英語課程每週 20 或 30 小時,時尚課程每週 3 小時
最近開課日期:2008.03.03 (7 週)
時尚課 平日課程 5 週 US$200
密集英語英語(每週 30 小時)每週 350
半密集英語(每週 20 小時)每週 270
上課時間:週六上午,為期 5 週
Ever wondered how your favorite stores get their merchandise? How buyers responsible for these decisions learned what, where and how to buy? In this class you will learn about fashion buying and get career tips from an experienced fashion buyer. You will also spend a morning shopping the marketplace and taking an insider’s look at a real-life buying office.
Vogue, In Style, Essence and Elle. These are just a few of the titles that will be examined in this exciting course which explores the magazine business, with an emphasis on fashion publications. Through lectures, guest speakers and field trips, industry professionals will teach you about the structure of a magazine, from advertising and marketing to editorial and design.
Starting with an appreciation of fashion, this course follows the photographic an social processes needed to bring a concept to the appropriate media for print, web, or publication. Topics include the creative process, sources of inspiration, traditional vs. digital photography, lighting, composition and using a camera. You do not need to own a camera to enroll in this course.
Examine the production of a fashion show, from planning to post-event analysis. From budgeting and scheduling, to publicity and promotion, you will learn the responsibilities of the production team. Casting, invitations, music and sets will also be covered.
Get an in-depth look at the fashion stylist’s role in commercial and editorial venues, including magazines, catalogs, TV and video. You’ll learn about the basics of styling as you gain an understanding of the stylist’s responsibilities, from shopping to working with models on photo shoots, runways and red carpets.
In this class you will discuss how your favorite teams, athletes and entertainers are promoted to the public and how their names are extended into the fashion business through designer labels and products. You will meet a professional sports and entertainment marketer, evaluate lines of athletic clothing and study celebrities who have created a niche as fashion entrepreneurs.
This class will expose students to an in-depth analysis of the retail store environment. Visit New York City retail establishments to view displays and explore successful design and merchandising applications. You will learn about design elements and solve a variety of presentation problems through a series of three-dimensional exercises.
上課時間:週一到週五,每週 16、20 或 30 小時。
3) FIT 課程
學校:紐約 FIT 流行設計學院(時尚工作者最嚮往的進修學府)
參加對象:18 歲以上之高中、大專院校學生及社會人士,建議中級以上英文程度,課程不須相關專業背景