加拿大企業有薪實習,課程+工作實習共為 半年到1 年的長度!
1. 有一定的英文程度,希望在工作互動中提升自己的語文能力
2. 預算有限,但又希望長期體驗當地(約 1 年)
3. 實習工作可獲推薦信,對於升學和下一段工作提供有利的履歷
4. 上班族可經由實習取得海外工作經驗,提升自己的職涯高度與廣度
5. 希望取得工作經驗後移民加拿大(當地雇主提供工作可獲加分,詳情:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/skilled/qual-5.html)
薪資:視工作內容而定,一般工資為每小時 8-15 加幣
商業英語課程/一般密集英語課程+工作實習(共約 半年到1 年),不同學校學費稍有差異。
方案一:預算較低(學費稍低、食宿生活費只需先準備 3-4 個月),10 週課程之後可全職工作
10 週英語課程(27.5 小時/週)+20 週工作實習+10 週英語課程(27.5 小時/週)=CAN$6400(共 40 週)
方案二:預算較低(學費稍低、食宿生活費只需先準備 3-4 個月),12 週課程之後可半工半讀(工作實習期間,下班後每週須上15小時英語)
12 週英語課程(27.5 小時/週)+38 週工讀(白天工作,晚班上課)=CAN$7670(共 50 週)
方案三:26 週課程之後可全職工作不需再上英文課
24 週英語課程(27.5 小時/週)+24 週工作實習=CAN$7420(共 48 週)
方案四:12 週課程之後可全職工作不需再上英文課
12 週英語課程(27.5 小時/週)+12 週工作實習=CAN$4480(共 24 週)
參考食宿花費:寄宿家庭(含 3 餐) CAN$175/週
詳細職缺範例 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/premlang&article_id=13472274
1) INTERNSHIP TITLE: Java Programmer
DESCRIPTION: This is a web applications internship. This company develops on-line applications for integrating various Google and desktop applications. This application is built using J2EE. The office has 20 people and is located in Vancouver’s newly fashionable Gastown district.
PAY: This is a paid internship. It pays a stipend of CDN$250/week
REQUIREMENTS:Competence with Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007. Presentable, professional and good on the phone. This internship requires a lot of interpersonal communication – so you cannot be shy.
DURATION:Minimum 8 weeks.
2) INTERNSHIP TITLE: Database Administrator
DESCRIPTION: Database administrators help build and manage databases for an outsourcing company. They will need to be flexible as much of the work is out of the office on various different systems. They will work closely with a single supervisor and will travel to other companies to administer their databases on servers.
PAY: This is a paid internship. It pays a stipend of CDN$200/week
REQUIREMENTS:Advanced level in English. Experience with Microsoft Exchange server or another server technology.
DURATION: Minimum 12 weeks.
3) INTERNSHIP TITLE: Architecture
DESCRIPTION: This internship is for people with architecture experience or an education in architecture. The intern in this company does hands-on work including working on teams designing real structures that will be built. Specific tasks include working on detailed architectural drawings and touring building sites for quality control.
PAY: This MAY be a paid internship, provided that the intern has sufficient skills and experience. This internship MAY pay a stipend of CDN$200/week
REQUIREMENTS: Advanced level in English, competence in Auto CAD.
DURATION: Minimum 8 weeks.
4) INTERNSHIP TITLE: Graphic Design
DESCRIPTION: This intern will work in a design house in downtown Vancouver. He or she will help with logo design, designing advertisements and flyers and putting together materials for websites. The work will be part of a team, but each member of the team must contribute significantly to the team’s success.
PAY: This is a paid internship. It pays a stipend of CDN$150/week
REQUIREMENTS: Advanced level in English, competence with Adobe Creative Suite. Portfolio of work.
DURATION: Minimum 8 weeks.
5) INTERNSHIP TITLE: Museums and Galleries
DESCRIPTION: This internship is at Vancouver's largest art gallery. The intern will spend their days around Monet, Picasso, and avant garde artists like Huang Ping. Interns have the opportunity to work in either art rentals and sales or in the gallery gift shop. In the gift shop, they will perform typical retail tasks like stocking shelves, and doing sales. In the art rentals, they will communicate with corporate and institutional clients and assist with cataloguing and archiving.
REQUIREMENTS: Intermediate level in English, strong interest in art.
DURATION: Minimum 4 weeks.
~設計師勇闖溫哥華(ILAC 打工遊學)~
正閔本身為生活用品設計師,有感於歐美國家於生活設計領域相對於台灣是較先進的,因此正閔計畫出國進修英文,一方面希望英語能力的提升能夠更快速掌握國外的設計資訊,此外,能夠利用這一年多的大假,到美國和歐洲遊歷一番... (詳情)
~Emily 之 Kaplan PLI 打工遊學~
嘉瑩在銀行工作一兩年之後,決定出國充電。由於之後預計赴歐洲繼續深造英語授課的專業課程,嘉瑩希望在深造之前,先行進修英文,以加強英文入學考試成績。由於嘉瑩本身的英文基礎在出國之前已達中高級,因此選擇英語課程結合有薪實習,在賺取些許生活費的同時,能夠增加自己實際使用英文的機會... (詳情)